Solo Exhibition at 1822-Forum Frankfurter Sparkasse from 14.01. until 05.04.2025

I want to believe
ISO5000 Award 2023-24 of Hans and Annemarie Weidmann-Foundation


Body of Ore

Siedlung Westhausen

An approach to stilllife photography by experimenting with different styles and genres. By using only the ingredients people already have in their fridge, these photographs aim to portrait people through their food.

Wo ist Emmi?
Ausstellungsansichten der Gruppenausstellung SHE* des Female Photoclub Frankfurt, 2021

Call Bill
"If you have any questions about anything you see, Call Bill"
The series approaches the eerie atmosphere of Nevadas deserted landscape and the thematic connection to alien and UFO enthusiasts, who shaped the public image of Nevada.

When Doves Fly


Owens Valley Observatory
A trip to the Owens Valley Radio Observatory in California on a crystal clear night

11 12 14
In the era of science and digitalized knowledge, superstitious beliefs have a reputation of being absurd and old-fashioned - although being fascinating witnesses of daily life centuries ago. Some still seem to be stuck with us, even in our modern times. What would it look like, if outdated superstitious rituals would still be as common as they once were? This series approaches superstition in its broadness with an experimental use of lighting.


big girls don't cry
A study about the women of Las Vegas